Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts
Hearing Information

We’re conducting hearings remote, hybrid, in-person, and virtual off-site.

  • In-Person Hearing – The judge and all court participants will appear in person inside the courtroom.
  • Remote Hearing – The judge will conduct the hearing from the courtroom. The court participants may appear by video or telephone outside of the courtroom. If the court participant appears in person in the courtroom the judge may proceed with the hybrid hearing or the court participant can use the onsite remote hearing room.
  • Hybrid Hearing – The judge will conduct the hearing from the courtroom. The court participants may appear virtually via video or telephone outside of the courtroom or in person in the courtroom.
  • Virtual Offsite Hearing – The judge will conduct the hearing virtually and the court participants will appear virtually via video or telephone. If the court participant appears in person for the virtual offsite hearing, they can use the onsite remote hearing room.

Most Superior Court hearings are open to the public. You can join by WebEx, a video-conference application, or by phone. Criminal jury trials and jury selection can only be viewed in-person.

See the DC Superior Court Online Case Search page to find a party name, case number, courtroom number, or hearing date for the case in question.

Are you a hearing participant? See instructions on how to join your hearing here.

Audio and video recording; taking pictures of remote hearings; and sharing the live or recorded remote hearing by rebroadcasting, live-streaming, or otherwise are not allowed.

Don’t have a computer or other equipment to attend a hearing? See our list of remote sites throughout the District of Columbia.

Title Download
Public Access to Remote Court Hearings Download
Acceso Público a las Audiencias a Distancia del Tribunal Download
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List of Remote Site Locations and Tips Download
Instructions to Join Court Hearing (WebEx or Phone) Download
Instruccciones Para el Acceso a las Audiencias a Distancia Download
How to Attend a Hearing Remotely

Note: A division with Virtual Courtroom listed as the courtroom is operating remotely only.

  1. Visit Public Access to Remote Court Hearings. Look for the division, then courtroom number, and then the corresponding code or web information for that hearing in the same row.
  2. Click on the link for your courtroom, or call the WebEx number and connect to the meeting for your case.
    1. The telephone numbers for all remote hearings are 202-860-2110 (local) or 844-992-4726 (toll free).
  3. If you experience technical issues when trying to join, call the clerk’s office for the division handling your case.

Are you a hearing participant? See instructions on how to join your hearing here.

Audio and video recording; taking pictures of remote hearings; and sharing the live or recorded remote hearing by rebroadcasting, live-streaming, or otherwise are not allowed.

Don’t have a computer or other equipment to attend a hearing? See our list of remote sites throughout the District of Columbia.

Process to Change How You Participate in Your Hearing

Do you want to change your method of participation? The following information describes how a participant or party can change how they attend a hearing. Find the division that is handling your court hearing for details.

  • To request to appear remotely for an in-person hearing, file a motion with the clerk’s office as soon as possible. Serve the other party by following the motions rules.
  • Once received, the motion will be sent to the case judge for review. Until the Judge rules on your motion, you must appear as required by the court notice.
  • To request to appear in-person for a remote hearing, file a written notice with the court 7 calendar days before the hearing and serve the notice to the other party.
  • Learn more.
  • To request to appear remotely for an in-person hearing and to appear in person for a remote hearing, file a motion subject to the motion rules.
  • Learn more.
Domestic Violence Division
  • To request to appear remotely for an in-person hearing, file a motion subject to the motion rules.
  • A court participant appearing in person for a remote hearing will participate in the hearing at a remote hearing location in the courthouse.
  • If you require an in-person trial for a presumptively remote trial, file a written motion or make an oral motion on the day of the trial.
  • Learn more.
Family Court
  • Request to appear remotely for an in-person hearing by filing a motion subject to the motion rules.
  • File a written notice to the court 7 days before the hearing.
  • Learn more.
Multi-Door Division
  • To request to appear remotely for an in-person hearing and to appear in-person for a presumptively remote hearing, file a motion subject to the motion rules.
  • Learn more.
Office of the Auditor Master
  • To request to appear remotely for an in-person hearing and to appear in-person for a presumptively remote hearing, file a motion subject to the motion rules.
  • Learn more.
Probate and Tax Divisions
List of Remote Sites

ALERT! The remote hearing site at 920 Rhode Island Ave., NE, is temporarily closed until further notice. The next closest remote site is located at 118 Q St., NE. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Don't have a computer or other equipment to attend a hearing? See our list of remote sites throughout the District of Columbia, plus tips on how to attend.