Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts

Oral Arguments

The court resumed in-person oral arguments with the 2022-2023 term in September. The public may view arguments in real time, as well as archived arguments, at the DC Court of Appeals YouTube channel.

The court is also conducting a hybrid oral argument pilot project, in which parties may request to appear remotely. The court may also conduct the entire proceeding remotely (e.g., in case of inclement weather or worsened pandemic conditions). The information sheet (PDF) provides details.

If you have been granted permission to appear remotely or are the arguing attorney or a self-represented party in a virtual oral argument, court staff will email you the link for the videoconference. The participant protocol (PDF) provides technical guidance and best practices.

All arguing attorneys and self-represented parties must ensure we have your current email address and phone number (please check the efiling system or call the Public Office at (202) 879-2700).

The DC Courts have remote hearing sites (PDF) available in various locations in the community to help persons who may not have computer devices or internet service at home to participate remotely in scheduled DCCA oral arguments or mediations.

The next Oral Arguments will begin on Wednesday, October 16th, at 10:00 am on the DC Court of Appeals YouTube channel. You may need to refresh the YouTube page to see the video window after the start time.


Video broadcasts can now be viewed on all media platforms, such as iPhone, iPad, Android, and other mobile devices.


The Court of Appeals has contracted for a specified number of simultaneous users to access this service. If that number is exceeded, you will get a message that indicates that the server is full. The Court will monitor usage and increase the number of permissible simultaneous users if demand warrants such an increase.

Oral Argument Calendar

Occasionally the Court of Appeals will stream video as well as audio from the Ceremonial Courtroom. Please consult the calendar to find the date and time of scheduled oral arguments.


If the stream you are accessing stops or becomes garbled, please refresh your browser window. Streams become active approximately 5 minutes before the beginning of oral arguments. If you encounter technical difficulties accessing the streams, you may contact support personnel at (202) 879-2881 or (202) 879-2737.