Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts

Notice to All Attorneys: Attorney Email Contact Information for Notification of Court Documents

The DC Superior Court requests that you update your email address to receive court documents and other court notifications. In our case management system, the global record for attorneys’ contact information including email addresses is linked to the attorney’s bar number. Most email addresses are or were not stored in the Courtview case management system, and in some instances email addresses from the DC Bar are not the attorney’s preferred contact for court business. To ensure that you are receiving notification of court documents and notification from the new case management system (Odyssey/Enterprise Justice), we are asking that you provide notice to the Superior Court, at the email address listed below, of an accurate and reliable email address for receipt of court documents. You can use multiple email addresses for the receipt of court documents.

If you have been receiving notifications from DC Superior Court at an email address that is incorrect, or have not received electronic notification of court documents, please notify the Superior Court of the accurate email address(es) to be used for court business and/or any email addresses to delete by sending an email with your full name and DC Bar number to newattorneyrequest [at] If you want to use more than one email address, please identify the primary email address.

If you have any questions or require assistance with this process, please contact us at newattorneyrequest [at]