Date 05, Tue/09/2017 - 12:00 PDF(zip package) Rules Governing Proceedings Under D.C. Code 23-110.pdf26.48 KB PDF Files 23-110 Rule 1. Scope of Rules6.92 KB 23-110 Rule 2. Motion7.51 KB 23-110 Rule 3. Filing Motion6.95 KB 23-110 Rule 4. Preliminary Consideration by Judge_ Appointment of Counsel9.27 KB 23-110 Rule 5. Answer_ Contents6.48 KB 23-110 Rule 6. Discovery6.98 KB 23-110 Rule 7. Expansion of Record6.64 KB 23-110 Rule 8. Evidentiary Hearing7.77 KB 23-110 Rule 9. Delayed or Successive Motions6.98 KB 23-110 Rule 10. Powers of Magistrates6.24 KB 23-110 Rule 11. Time for Appeal6.23 KB 23-110 Rule 12. Superior Court Rules of Criminal and Civil Procedure_ Extent of Applicability6.76 KB