Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts

New eJuror System

The DC Superior Court’s new eJuror system has many helpful features. The system is user-friendly and enables jurors to qualify themselves for service, defer service and/or submit requests to be excused from service (by uploading PDFs that document the need to be excused). In addition, if jurors choose to provide their contact information, the court can send text messages and/or emails with reminders of upcoming jury service date, notice if there is a last-minute court closure, and other important information.

The new eJuror system allows prospective jurors to check their reporting status for the next day (to see if they need to appear or if the court calendar changed such that their service is no longer required). In addition, the system will automatically select a new date of jury service for any juror who fails to appear and will send him or her a summons indicating the new date.

The DC Superior Court constantly strives to make jury service as convenient as possible, and see that it is as infrequent as possible, for all DC residents. Feedback can be sent to webmaster [at] (webmaster[at]dcsc[dot]gov) .

E-Juror is located here.

Login instruction for eJuror System