Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts

Filing a Hard Copy Tax Petition

You will need to file the original and three copies of your petition. The Tax Office will use two copies of the petition to serve and notify the District’s Office of Attorney General (the attorneys representing the District) and the Office of Tax and Revenue Assessment Board that an appeal was filed. The third copy will be filed stamp with the date you filed your petition along with your assigned case number for you to maintain for your records

Your petition must include your signature and your telephone number should the Court need to contact you.

A filing fee of a $120.00 is required and must be paid in the Tax Office at the time that you file your petition.

You may choose to make payment for your filings fees by cash or MasterCard or Visa credit cards.

Provide your case number to court staff and the District’s Attorney when requested.

Tax Division

Presiding Judge: Hon. Alfred S. Irving Jr
Deputy Presiding Judge: Hon. Marisa Demeo
Director, Special Operations Division : Karla Saguil

Moultrie Courthouse
500 Indiana Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20001

Get Directions
Hours of Operation

8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Contact Information

Acting Tax Officer: Aletre Barnett
(202) 879-1737