President Obama’s Top Drug Policy Advisor to Celebrate National Drug Court Month
WHAT: Drug Court Commencement Ceremony
WHEN: Wednesday, May 21, 2014, 10:00 AM
WHERE: Moultrie Courthouse, Courtroom C-10 500 Indiana Avenue, NW
WHO: Michael Botticelli, Acting Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy Judge Gregory E. Jackson, DC Superior Court Clifford T. Keenan, Director, Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia
The Superior Court Drug Intervention Program (Drug Court) is a special court calendar created on the premise that criminal justice and addiction treatment systems can be mutually reinforcing. It is designed to achieve a reduction in recidivism and substance use disorders among nonviolent substance-abusing defendants. The program strives to increase defendants’ likelihood of successful habilitation through early, continuous, and intense judicially-supervised treatment, mandatory periodic drug testing, community supervision, and use of appropriate sanctions, incentives, and other rehabilitation services.
Eligible defendants may request to be transferred to Drug Court in lieu of traditional criminal justice system case processing. Their participation in treatment is closely monitored by the judge. While in the program, participants:
- are required to undergo intensive outpatient treatment and, where appropriate, inpatient services;
- receive other services such as trauma and mental health counseling for conditions that may be contributing to their substance use disorder;
- are required to submit to random testing for drug use;
- are required to appear in court for regular judicial progress reviews; and
- are subject to judicially imposed sanctions for drug testing infractions and other program non-compliance.
In April 2013, the Obama Administration released a science-based drug policy that addresses the national drug challenge as a public health issue, not just a criminal justice issue. The 2013 National Drug Control Strategy is built upon the latest scientific research demonstrating that addiction is a chronic disease of the brain that can be successfully prevented and treated, and from which one can recover.
NOTE: Director Botticelli, Judge Jackson and Director Keenan will be available after the graduation for interviews. Cameras and recorders must be cleared in advance; participants may only be photographed or interviewed with their permission.