Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts
Fathering Court

Fourteen Men Graduate from 2011 Fathering Court Program in D.C.

January 27, 2012 |
Blog of the Legal Times
Zoe Tillman

Darnell Morris said that when he started the District of Columbia Superior Court's Fathering Court program, his relationship with his 15-year-old daughter "wasn’t too perfect." Morris, 42, had been in trouble with the law before for selling drugs, but said he had heard about the Fathering Court program on television and wanted a shot "to better myself."

On Friday morning, Morris and thirteen other men graduated from the 2011 class of Fathering Court, which aims to not only help fathers comply with child support orders, but also become better parents.

"I’m a better person, I’m a better father," said Morris, who was joined during the ceremony by his three-year-old son, Darnell Caesar Jr.